Two types of surface protective coatings to stop graffiti

There are 2 types of anti graffiti protective coatings, non sacrificial (permanent) or sacrificial.

Sacrificial coatings give a protective coating, but come off when the offending graffiti is cleaned and therefore must be reapplied.

Permanent or non-sacrificial anti-graffiti coatings are not affected by any graffiti removal process and continue to remain on the surface.

Specialty anti graffiti coatings

The majority of anti graffiti coatings are unavailable at local hardware stores or paint stops.

Anti-graffiti coatings are specialtised industrial products and are often purchased in bulk by the professional graffiti removal companies.

With that said, some paint products contain similar attributes to anti-graffiti coatings, but usually you will find with those paint products will not perform as effectively as the specialised graffiti coating products.

LR Technologies can provide anti-graffiti coating services and products.